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2024 Question and Answer With Hell Harvest Haunted House

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MissouriHauntedHouses.com recently sat down with Jeff Sengheiser of Hell Harvest Haunted House, to discuss what's new at Hell Harvest Haunted House for the 2024 Halloween Season!

What's new at Hell Harvest Haunted House for 2024? Do you have any new rides, attractions, or special features that Haunt Seekers should know about?

Well, as always we’ve added to the haunt. We are up to 19 structures connected by a wooded trail and a cornfield walkthrough. We have added some things that will blow your mind. We completely tore out a section of the haunt and replaced it. We came up with something we’ve never seen done before, and it is terrifying.

What are you most excited about for the 2024 Halloween Season?

We are most excited about showcasing all the new things we’ve put into the haunt. We have been working tirelessly to terrify you.

What differentiates Hell Harvest Haunted House from other local haunts in Missouri?

We don’t follow trends or traditional haunt formulas. We are constantly coming up with creative ideas to differentiate our haunt from the rest. We have and continue to visit haunts around the country (off season tours of course) to get inspired to bring you the best. We also own our own prop manufacturing business (Graveyard Ghoul Productions) which provides props and animatronics to other haunts and amusement parks. This allows us to create props and animations you won’t see anywhere else.

How long has Hell Harvest Haunted House been in business? Can you tell us a bit more about Hell Harvest Haunted House's history?

We are getting ready to start our sixth season. My wife and I have been involved with the haunt industry for over 20 years. We stockpiled props attended haunts, trade shows, and conventions with the ultimate goal of one day running our own haunt. We have worked hard for many years for the opportunity to scare you.

What's your favorite experience since opening Hell Harvest Haunted House?

Our actors are amazing, and seeing them enjoy what they’re doing is great to watch. They are truly experts when it comes to scaring.

How long is a typical haunt experience at Hell Harvest Haunted House from start to finish?

The walk through Hell Harvest takes a little over an hour, unless you run straight through from fear.(which has happened) We have one queue line. What I mean by this is that once you start the haunt you won’t encounter more lines within the haunt.

On a scale from 1 to 10, how scary would you say Hell Harvest Haunted House is? Why?

10. The environment is a perfectly terrifying playground for our disturbed and talented actors. They take it to another level.

Does Hell Harvest Haunted House's property have any real haunted history? Do you have a spooky encounter you'd like to share?

The property is spooky as it sits. Before we did anything it was already scary. We’ve just made it scarier. I don’t know about any ghosts, but the property has a long history. It used to have several houses and a general store as the rural town of Shirley, so I’m sure something is lurking about.

What inspired you to open up a haunted attraction? What's your favorite part of the business?

We have a love of everything Halloween since a very young age. It’s been a lifelong goal and we worked very hard to achieve it. Our favorite part of the business would be the people. You won’t find any better people than haunters.

How has new technology (i.e. animatronics, special props, etc) helped you to enhance Hell Harvest Haunted House?

As I mentioned, we provide animatronics and props to other haunted attractions and theme parks. Having the knowledge and resources allows us to create one of a kind props and animations you will only see at Hell Harvest.

Can Hell Harvest Haunted House accommodate large groups? How many people can experience Hell Harvest Haunted House together as a group?

We recommend smaller groups of 6 or so for the best experience, but we’ve had groups of 20 plus that wanted to go together. A smaller group does allow our actors to scare you the best, but we won’t prevent you from going together.

Does Hell Harvest Haunted House offer any special deals, discounts, or coupons?

We don’t have any coupons or discounts currently. We are priced below our market currently. We have kept our prices the same for the last several years even though everything around us has risen in cost. (Materials, gas, marketing, insurance etc. )

Anything else you'd like to let us know about Hell Harvest Haunted House?

We were voted #1 I St. Louis by KMOV channel 4 for 2023. Come see why. We will scare the Hell out of you!




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