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Stephens College - Real Haunts in Columbia MO

  • 1200 E. Broadway
  • Columbia, MO
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This college is rumored to have many ghosts, according to local stories. The Pillsbury/Roblee Dorm Hall is said to be haunted by three ghostly women called the Blue Ladies who sing to students and tuck them in at night. Phantom baby cries have been heard at Searcy Hall, who is believed to be a the spirit of a newborn who was left in a locker by a student. At Senior Hall, a ghost named Sarah wanders around. She hanged herself here after her Civil War soldier lover was killed for deserting. The fifth floor of Tower Hall is said to be haunted by several ghosts.
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  • I used to work at Stephens College

    I worked at Stephens College before and after Senior Hall was remodeled back in the 1989-1990s. I was in the Campus Facilities department and the Security Guards all saw two orbs on Senior Hall when it was closed prior to remodel. They could be seen on separate floors at the same time from the outside. I got to see it for myself as well. It was believed to be the Civil War Soldier and Sarah searching for each other.

    Posted 8/17/22

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  • I don't believe in ghosts.....

    My daughter was a student here. Her dorm room was in Tower Hall. She said she experienced some "off" things. Things would fall off her walls in the middle of the night. Her dog would stand at the end of the bed staring at nothing. When the elevator was out of order she heard it start moving at 3 am. When she moved from the 3rd floor to the 1st she was at the end of the hall around the corner, there was a room next to her but it was then the end of the hall. There wasn't a student in the room next to her but at night she saw shadows under her door as if someone was walking back and forth in front of her door. She went on the tour of the 5th floor and said it was really creepy. All we heard was there was a fire and one or two students didn't make it out alive. As I said, I don't believe in that kind of stuff and think its all coincidental. We spent the night with her in her dorm room and didn't experience anything weird at all.

    Posted 8/10/20

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Last edit to this listing: 5/5/2016 (3247 days ago)

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