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Glore Psychiatric Museum - Saint Joseph MO Real Haunted Place

  • 3408 Frederick Ave.
  • Saint Joseph, MO
  • (816) 364-1209
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Real Haunted Museums
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This museum is believed to be haunted by mental patients who are still hoping their illness can be cured. Multiple apparitions have been spotted here, including that of a sharply dressed man and an elderly man. In the basement, the motion detector is said to often be set off when no one is down there. Unexplained sounds here include a woman's voice asking for help, crying and whimpering. Some have reported seeing a shadowy man who passed by them muttering, and others have said they were frightened by a man's apparition running along the basement hallway and shouting, "Why are you are? Get out!"
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  • My exprice

    it was so scary. I think that I heard whispering and felt goosebumps too.

    Posted 9/21/23

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • My Ex-Husband took there to see my reaction to the place!!

    As soon as we walked in and, started looking at some of the things that one of the patients would eat, I just got a real cold gust of air that went right up the middle of my back and, neck. That felt creepy to me. After that I felt like we were being followed around by someone or, something. That was weird. But what really got to me was when I thought that I seen someone walk by us, down one of the halls that went down one way that you could see someone walk by as your walking down the hall that we were walking down. The thing was though that there wasn't anyone else in the building but us!! I asked my husband at the time if, he seen that person I saw walking by down the other hall. He said, no. Then, he asked. Why? Did you? I told him, Yes, I did!! I know that I'm not just seeing things, either!! We left. But, I know that there's something in that museum good, evil or, both!!!

    Posted 9/29/18

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    2 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • Great place to investigate!!!

    The team did a 6 hour investigation here. We got several EVPs and 3 of the team got touched. Well Worth The Trip!!!

    Posted 4/5/18

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  • my trip

    Went to the museum and as soon as I walked in to the place I was hit with a weird feeling like crowded and goosebumps as we walked around in to a room where someone may have lived their whole life you get the feeling like you are not the only one in the room .I began to feel sad and sort of funny like not right I had to leave the room .I have always felt that if I spent more time there maybe I would see something .

    Posted 4/27/17

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Good info

    Very eerie feel. The more has some spirit attached to it.

    Posted 7/28/16

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Contact Phone #: (816) 364-1209

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Last edit to this listing: 5/5/2016 (3222 days ago)

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