
Oak Ridge Cemetery - Real Haunt in Doniphan MO

  • Oak Ridge Cemetery
  • Doniphan, MO
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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This cemetery is said to be haunted by a female ghost that has been spotted among the graves. Voices have also been heard here, and one story says the statue of Belle Neal comes to life at midnight.
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  • My first time ghost hunting

    I have lived here in Doniphan for almost 6 years with my Husband Joshua Cunningham. For years I wanted to explore abandoned and haunted places just like my favorite Youtubers Sam n Colby and Exploring with Josh. More than anything it is my dream to do what they do. I'm not looking for subs or fame, this is just something I really want to do with my life. My name is Tera Cunningham on all social media. I'd give my email but I don't think I'd get it cuz I get so many email notifications a day. The Oak Ridge Cemetary is going to be my first location and altho I don't have many ghost hunting tools I have the Necrophonic app and I am a Heyoka Empath. I do plan to acquire more ghost hunting tools but I am tight on money atm and that will take time. Any info anyone can give me on this place and Belle Neal please get in touch with me.

    Posted 10/29/22

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  • Our experience at Oakridge cemetery in Missouri.

    Our visitation at oak ridge cemetery in Donaphin Missouri led to us seeing 4 skeletons and a full body apparition with a black and white large coat and headless. We were standing on the premises of the cemetery and seen all that at 9:00 PM. We ran all the way back to our hotel that is like really close to the cemetery, and sat down for a minute. It was a really creepy sight.

    Posted 9/6/21

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  • Our experience at Oak Ridge Cemetery in Doniphan, Mo.

    My friends & I have went there Saturday night on July 25, 2020. Around 9:30 P.M. getting out of our car to do an investigation in the cemetery. The four of us had seen a tall thin figure all dressed in black coming running out from a bush in the cemetery. We watched it run along the edge of the cemetery lawn close to the road. I thought it was a burglar ..The rest of my friends first thought it was someone dressed up in a black hoodie out investigating too but why was it running. This form of a figure turn into a dog with green eyes then Poof! it disappear. If we had known it wasn't a real human, It would of been easily to of have taken a picture. We were shocked! We still continue investigating after that. Cold spots, arm hairs stood up, my ghost meter constantly going off. We used dowsing rods communicate with spirit Belle Neal & other spirits. A Great investigation.. I had told an paranormal guy investigator that I know.. I was telling him what we had seen he had said what we had witness was called a shape - shifter a spectral dog that guards cemetery. We have Never Experience anything like that on any of our investigations or have I ever heard of it.. "But " it was sure interesting to watch it.. " Very exciting" We won't forget. We were glad we came there. By.. Bo Boo's Crew

    Posted 7/27/20

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 1,670
Last edit to this listing: 5/5/2016 (3249 days ago)

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